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"Help! I need to find sources and I don't know where to start!" In this workshop students will be introduced to types of sources and the search process.

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The Monroe County Community College Respiratory Therapy Program invites you to come to learn about this exciting, in-demand medical field from one of the Program instructors.

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The Monroe County Community College Nursing Program invites you to come to learn about this exciting, in-demand medical field. The session will provide an overview of the profession, including job duties, employment outlook, salary, and education requirements

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MCCC’s Inside Out Dance Ensemble and director Kellie Lajiness present their spring show, “One for the Books.”

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MCCC’s Inside Out Dance Ensemble and director Kellie Lajiness present their spring show, “One for the Books.”

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"Help! I need to find sources and I don't know where to start!" In this workshop students will be introduced to types of sources and the search process.

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Arab American History & Culture
Presented by David Serio, Educator and Public Programmer at Arab American National Museum

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Final exams are closer than you think. This workshop will help you hone your notetaking and study skills while there's still time.

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Join us for the Student Symposium and celebration of the 2024 IMAGES art & literary magazine.

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The Detroit Symphony Orchestra is now closer than ever. Join us for electrifying live performances  that move and inspire, all in the intimate setting of your own neighborhood. Tickets are not sold by MCCC. 

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Collectors’ dreams will come true as MCCC’s Antiques in April Show and Sale returns after a multiyear hiatus!

Antiques in April Photo

Collectors’ dreams will come true as MCCC’s Antiques in April Show and Sale returns after a multiyear hiatus!

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Maddy Goulet will present on vitamins, minerals and protein supplements for overall health.

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Gender Diversity
Presented by Lighthouse EAP

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Mental health can affect your energy levels, concentration, mental ability and dependability- all having a direct impact on your college performance and success. 

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This workshop is designed to assist students in choosing a major. By working with our professional counselors, you will receive guidance and information to help you better understand and select a major.

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Do you have a difficult time with organization, planning, and managing your time? Join us for this workshop to learn tips and tricks to better manage your busy schedule and apply it toward college success.

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If you have ever thought about driving an electric vehicle but have questions, join us for Monroe County Community College’s Electric Vehicle Show! 

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In collaboration with the Multicultural Student Association

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Hear the teaching that inspired Gandhi and MLK Jr.

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The Monroe County Community College Respiratory Therapy Program invites you to come to learn about this exciting, in-demand medical field from one of the Program instructors.

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Bowling for student scholarships, evening includes pizza, dessert, games, shoe rental and lots of fun! Prizes, raffles, 4 player teams, and 9 pin no tap. 

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EVERY Drop Counts!!

Schedule YOUR appointment, please call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit and enter code: MONROECC

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The Detroit Symphony Orchestra is now closer than ever. Join us for electrifying live performances  that move and inspire, all in the intimate setting of your own neighborhood. Tickets are not sold by MCCC.